Clinically proven weight loss
15-20% average weight loss
1:1 support from doctors and care team
Secure supply of pharmaceuticals
Home delivery from partner pharmacies


What does the research say?

Research is clear that GLP-1 analogs have a significant effect on obesity. In a study of 2,000 overweight adults, the use of semaglutide with a diet and exercise program was compared to lifestyle changes alone. After 68 weeks, half of those on semaglutide had lost 15% of their weight and almost a third had lost 20%. In comparison, participants who made only lifestyle changes lost about 2.4% of their weight.

Supernormal™ How it works
How it works Three simple steps

Calculate when you can reach your goal weight

Your Result

Enter your height, weight, and target weight to find out your BMI and when you can reach your ideal weight.

Goal weight
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Weight loss What's included?
What is included in Sn™ Weight loss?
Prescriptions for pharmaceuticals

Weight loss medicines are prescribed at the start of treatment. Doctors will help you with the choice of treatment, renewal of prescriptions, and any necessary dose adjustments. The care team also helps with the availability and alternative prescriptions if there is a shortage.

Regular testing at the cilinic

Prescribing pharmaceuticals requires taking samples of your blood values. These are then gathered in your medical record in your Health Dashboard where your doctor helps you understand and optimize your health beyond just your weight. During treatment, tests are carried out approximately every six months to understand the risks and possible side effects.

Doctor-led treatment

In addition to the prescription of pharmaceuticals, you will always have access to medical consultations via chat, phone, or video. Your doctor will provide continuous follow-ups, support, and advice on your treatment and well-being.

Unlimited coaching

Coaching is an important part of the journey to better health. Through our coaches - who are dieticians, nurses, and pharmacists - we will help you get and stay motivated to make the necessary changes.

Optimization through health tests

Weight loss is more than just diet. Supernormal's users can therefore test many of the factors that are crucial for sustained weight loss. Currently, we are able to test hormones that affect appetite and satiety, understand risks related to your obesity, as well as how to influence sleep, and understand how changes from the environment affect your conditions.

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FAQ Medical weight loss
Frequently Asked Questions Below, we list the most common questions about our service. If you have other questions or concerns, please contact us, and we will assist you.
Is medical weight loss more effective than trying on one's own?

The short answer is yes. Primarily because weight loss is a challenge for many, not least due to biological factors actively resisting weight loss. For the vast majority, it's unfortunately very difficult to maintain successful weight loss solely by changing their diet and exercise habits. With modern methods, especially GLP-1 analogs, we now have access to an effective solution without the need for surgery, where those treated with medication along with lifestyle changes can lose up to 15-20%. In comparable studies, those without medication have lost 2.4% of their weight.

Which medications does Supernormal™ prescribe?

In most cases and when available, medication with semaglutide (Ozempic and Wegovy are the most effective on the market that can be sold in Sweden) is prescribed. We base this on your preferences and circumstances. Due to high demand for these medications, we maintain close communication with pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies so that we can promptly inform you when medications become available.

Are there any side effects?

Just like with other medications, there are potential side effects. These mainly involve the stomach and intestines and are usually mild and temporary. You will receive information about this and what you can influence in the beginning of your treatment. To work with medication safely, the dosage will be gradually increased to reduce potential risks and side effects. The health benefits of long-term weight loss for our patients are significant. Therefore, we are committed to closely monitoring you as a patient and assisting you if any side effects occur. We aim to enable you to achieve the most effective, long-term, and smooth weight loss possible.

How much weight will I lose?

The latest studies show an average weight loss of about 15% in the first 12 months. The majority of the weight loss occurs within the first 4-6 months, and the goal of the treatment is to achieve and maintain a healthy weight level with a BMI of 20-25.

However, every weight loss journey is unique, so there are no absolute answers that apply to everyone. The important thing in your journey is to be kind to yourself and follow your treatment plan without any stress.

Why do I need to undergo a health check-up/blood test?

To offer you a safe and effective treatment, it's important that we have a clear picture of your health status. You can have your blood test done at any of our affiliated sampling locations. The check-up includes analysis of blood count, blood lipids, liver and kidney function, thyroid function, and blood sugar levels. After the sampling, one of our doctors will assess your results digitally. This means you can go through the process conveniently from your own home.

Where can I submit a blood sample?

Currently, you can provide samples in the following locations: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala, Västerås, Mölndal, Lidköping, Eskilstuna, Katrineholm, Falköping, Örebro, Nyköping, Falun, Hässleholm and Lund.

Is your city missing? Email us with the place you want to leave samples at. We are actively working to add more locations and are happy to receive tips.

What can I expect from my treatment plan?

Your treatment plan will be tailored and adjusted throughout the treatment. You will receive guidance on diet, mental health, and physical activity - tailored to your needs. Additionally, you will undergo regular health check-ups every six months to evaluate progress and have recurring discussions with your doctor and coach to ensure optimal support.

How are my results monitored?

Your doctor and coach will maintain ongoing dialogue with you to guide and support you through your weight loss journey. Every six months, you will also undergo a blood test where we evaluate your health markers, blood pressure, and progress in weight loss to ensure a holistic and successful treatment.

Any other questions?

If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly in the chat, via email, or read more under Learn.

The chat is open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday; otherwise, please contact us via email at [email protected]

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