Vitamins 592


What is D-Vitamin?



Vitamin D is an essential, fat-soluble vitamin for our bodies, playing an important roll in the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus both critical for building bone. To be exact, vitamin D is a hormone, and can be added to the body through food intake, but also produced by the body itself. Vitamin D is also thought to affect the risk of infectious diseases and certain cancers.*

Normal levels of vitamin D indicate that you get enough of the vitamin necessary for optimal bone health and immune system.

Measuring vitamin D levels can be relevant for various reasons, where determining deficiency is the most common cause. Other reasons of interest for measuring vitamin D is to monitor effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation and to investigate conditions that may affect levels of vitamin D.



Low levels of  D-Vitamin



Low levels of vitamin D mean that your circulating vitamin D is below normal range and either indicates insufficiency or a vitamin D deficiency.
Decreased levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of osteoporosis, fatigue and weakened immune system.



High levels of  D-Vitamin



High levels of vitamin D means an increased amount of circulating vitamin D in your bloodstream, indicating vitamin D toxicity. Although it is rare, this is most commonly seen as a result of excessive intake of vitamin D supplements.

High levels of vitamin D in circulation increases the absorption of calcium, which may result in hypercalcemia, a condition in which calcium levels in blood are too high. This may in turn cause kidney stones, kidney damage and heart problems in severe cases.