Get the full picture of your health.
Preventive means proactive.

The Supernormal™ collection is carefully developed and tested by a medical team.

Why Sn™900 CheckUp™

Optimize health

The Sn™900 CheckUp™ offers a clear view of your health status and provides valuable insights that guide and support you in making informed decisions about your health.

Identify health risks

The biomarkers frame combinations included when investigating common conditions and symptoms.

Create a health profile

CheckUp™ provides us with the basis to produce your unique health profile. It gives an overall picture of your health status and helps you to make well-informed decisions.

Follow up and compare

Track your progress over time and compare results to see how your health develops. With CheckUp™, you get a better a comprehensive overview of your health.

Through CheckUp and Foundations, I have started my journey towards better health

Jonathan O

Time to take the next step in men's health.


CheckUp showed that my drinking habits have caused liver changes and affected my hormones

Daniel E

I stopped taking all steriods right after I did the Supernormal health test

Wolf K

This health test was a true eye opener for me

William K

How does it work?
  1. Order Sn™900 CheckUp™

Add any 

  1. Add Sn™900 CheckUp™ to your cart. We will create a referral containing all your tests for sampling sites and laboratories after payment. Confirmation and receipt are sent via email. An email is sent out to activate an account if you do not already have one with us. This is required for us to be able to present test results securely behind BankID.


  1. Find a Sampling Site

We have affiliated sampling sites with drop-in services throughout Sweden. Find your nearest sampling site and their opening hours here.

  1. Test Results and Follow-Up

The test results will be displayed in your journal within 1-5 working days and reviewed by a licensed doctor.

Good to know before taking the test

Important to consider before the blood test

  • Take the test on an empty stomach in the morning - you should not eat nor drink anything for 10 hours before the test. (Exceptions are water and black coffee/tea without sugar or milk.)

  • The test should be done in the morning before 10 am because some biomarkers are sensitive to the circadian rhythm.

  • Preferably rest for 15 minutes in the waiting room before the sampling for more accurate results.

  • Do not take any medications before the blood test.

  • Bring valid identification.
Where can I find locations for taking the test?

You can simply ask the chatbot, otherwise click here.

Sn™900 CheckUp™ What are we testing? CheckUp™ measures over 50 biomarkers that indicate the status of your blood, cardiovascular function, kidney, liver, prostate, hormones, and inflammation levels.
Group 1 Blood status

Blood status assesses red and white blood cells, platelets, providing insights into overall health and aiding in diagnosing conditions.

570 Hemoglobin (Hb)

Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. It is found in red blood cells and is composed of four parts or subunits. Normal levels of hemoglobin indicate an effective oxygen transportation and circulatory system without conditions such as blood loss or anemia.

573 Leukocytes (LPK)

Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are absolutely crucial for the immune system. Showing normal levels of leukocytes suggests that there is a balance within your immune system.  Maintaining that balance is essential, since an off-set means that your immune system is taking a hit from either an invading pathogen, or from chronic processes within your body.


574 Thrombocytes (TPK)

Thrombocytes, also known as platelets, are small, disc-shaped, colorless fragments of cells in our blood that form clots and thereby stop or prevent bleeding. They are produced in the bone marrow and circulate in the blood for approximately 8-10 days. Normal levels of thrombocytes indicate a balance in your blood clot ability, meaning that you neither have an increased risk of bleeding and bruising, nor an increased risk of harmful blood clots.


577 RBC count / Erytrocytes (EPK)

A RBC count, or red blood cell count, measures the number of red blood cells present in a given volume of blood. Red blood cells are the most common type of blood cell, responsible for both carrying oxygen from your lungs to every cell in your body as well as bringing back carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled.


578 Hematocrit (EVF)

Erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF), also known as hematocrit, is a measure of the fraction or portion of red blood cells in your blood. EVF is presented as a percentage of the total blood volume. A normal EVF indicates that you have a balanced level of red blood cells in your blood, high enough to provide enough oxygen to all tissues in your body, and low enough to avoid blood clots.


575 MCH

MCH, or mean corpuscular hemoglobin, is a measurement of the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell, estimating how well the tissues and organs are being oxygenated. Normal MCH levels indicate an effective oxygen transport to organs and other tissues.


579 MCV

MCV stands for Mean Corpuscular Volume and is a biomarker measuring the average size of red blood cells in a blood sample. MCV is a natural component when testing your “blood status”. Normal MCV suggests that the production and division of red blood cells are following a normal pattern and procedure


Group 2 Blood sugar (Diabetes)

Blood sugar (Diabetes): Measures glucose levels. Used for diabetes diagnosis and management. High levels indicate poor blood sugar control.

548 Glucose

Glucose is the most common type of sugar in the blood and is the major source of energy for all the cells in your body.Normal levels of glucose mean that your regulating systems for balancing storage and availability of energy are intact. Maintaining normal levels of glucose will increase your chances of a longer and healthier life.

569 HbA1c

HbA1c, or glycated hemoglobin, is a product from glucose sticking to the hemoglobin on the red blood cells. The more glucose you have in your bloodstream, the more glucose will stick to hemoglobin. Normal levels of HbA1c indicate that your blood sugar levels and blood sugar metabolism are in balance.

537 C-peptide

C-peptide is a byproduct produced along with insulin in the pancreas. C-peptide by itself does not have a physiological effect. Insulin on the other hand, has the vital role in taking up glucose from the bloodstream to provide the body with energy. Normal levels of C-peptide indicate that your pancreas is producing adequate amounts of insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels.


Group 3 Heart and vascular (Blood lipids)

Blood lipids play a crucial role in heart and vascular health. Maintaining balanced levels of cholesterol and triglycerides is vital for a healthy cardiovascular system.

567 HDL

HDL stands for high density lipoprotein. HDL is one of several lipoproteins carrying cholesterol in our bloodstream, and is sometimes referred to as the “good” cholesterol. Higher HDL levels indicate a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and suggest better cardiovascular health.


568 LDL

LDL stands for low density lipoprotein. LDL is one of several lipoproteins carrying cholesterol in our bloodstream, and is sometimes referred to as the “bad” cholesterol. Low levels of LDL indicate that you have a lower risk for developing cardiovascular diseases, while high levels indicate an increased risk.


523 LDL/HDL ratio

The LDL/HDL ratio is the ratio of the levels in blood of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to high-density lipoprotein (HDL). A normal to low LDL/HDL ratio indicates a good cardiovascular health and an increased chance for a long and healthy life.


550 Triglycerides

Triglycerides are one of two types of lipids circulating in our blood. They are stored in fat cells when your body needs to convert excessive amounts of calories into an effective form of energy storage. Normal triglyceride levels indicate that you have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


549 Total cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of two circulating lipids in our bloodstream. It is a fat-like substance, present in all cells of your body, acting as a building block in various important structures in our bodies such as cell walls, Vitamin D, certain hormones and bile acid. Normal cholesterol levels are generally indicative for good overall cardiovascular health.


546 ApoA1

Apolipoprotein A, also known as ApoA1, is a protein that helps

in the process of removing bad forms of cholesterol from your body. High levels of Apo A1 indicate better cardiovascular health and a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.


547 ApoB

Apolipoprotein B, also known as ApoB, is a protein within the “bad” cholesterol and the primary driver of plaques that cause atherosclerosis leading up to diseases such as stroke and heart attacks. Low Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) levels indicate better cardiovascular health and a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


525 Apo ratio

The Apo ratio, also known as the ApoB/ApoA-I ratio or ApoB/ApoA1 ratio, is a measure of the balance between the “bad” and the “good” cholesterol. A normal Apo ratio (which is the same as a low ratio) suggests better cardiovascular health, indicating that you have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.


Group 4 Kidney

Kidney: Measures include creatinine, eGFR, sodium, potassium, and other markers. Evaluates kidney function and helps diagnose kidney diseases or imbalances.

551 Creatinine

Creatinine is a waste product normally produced in our muscles, excreted in urine and used in medicine to monitor and evaluate kidney function. Creatinine is born out of the breakdown of something called creatine phosphate, an energy reserve for the muscles, especially during high-intensity exercise. Showing normal creatinine levels mean that your kidneys are well functioning and are not taking hits from factors that may overload the kidney function such as drugs, medications and certain medical conditions.


581 eGFR (mean)

eGFR stands for estimated glomerular filtration rate, which is a measurement used to estimate kidney function. “Glomerular” refers to the small filtering units in the kidneys, known as glomeruli. A normal eGFR indicates that the kidneys are normally functioning and that the filtering system is effective.


522 Sodium

Sodium is an essential mineral and one of the most important and abundant electrolytes in our bodies. Normal sodium levels indicate an overall balance in electrolytes and suggest well-functioning regulations of fluids, blood pressure, muscle function and normal transmissions of nerve impulses.

553 Potassium

Potassium is a mineral found throughout your body that is essential to your health. It is one of the most abundant electrolytes, meaning an electrically charged mineral in the body, helping your nerves to function and muscles to contract. A normal potassium level indicates that your overall electrolyte balance is normal, resulting in a healthy fluid balance, pH balance, nerve function and muscle function.


554 Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important and abundant minerals in your body, stored to 99% in bones and teeth. Besides providing structure, it plays an essential role in muscle function and is also important for transmission of nerve signals, enzyme regulation and the circulatory system. Calcium is important for maintaining normal blood pressure, a balanced coagulation and facilitating a regular heart rhythm. Normal calcium levels suggest good bone health and healthy parathyroid glands.


555 Albumin

Albumin is one of our bodies’ most important proteins. It is produced by the liver and found circulating in our blood. It is by far the most abundant protein in plasma and has several important functions. It helps maintain a proper balance of fluids between blood vessels and tissues. Albumin transports substances including hormones, fatty acids, drugs and ions. It also binds and buffer acids, helping your body to maintain its pH balance. A normal albumin suggests that numerous functions in your body are in balance, known to decrease the risk for disease and increase the chance for a longer and healthier life compared to diverging albumin.


556 Cystatin C

Cystatin C is a small protein produced in cells all over the body, filtered out of the blood and excreted by the kidneys. Cystatin C is used as a biomarker for evaluating kidney function. Normal levels of Cystatin C indicate that your kidneys are healthy and well-functioning.


561 Chloride

Chloride (Cl−) is a negatively charged ion, belonging to the group called electrolytes, where we also find ions such as sodium and potassium. Chloride, deriving from Chlorine (Cl), is primarily found outside of cells such as in blood, where it helps in maintaining pH levels and fluid balance. Normal levels of chloride indicate a healthy electrolyte balance.


562 Phosphate

Phosphate is an essential mineral, involved in several biological processes including bone formation, DNA synthesis and energy metabolism. It also plays the part of being a buffer to maintain a healthy acid-base balance. Normal levels of phosphate indicate healthy bones, healthy parathyroid glands and a well-functioning hormonal regulatory system.


Group 5 Liver

Liver: Assessed through tests such as ALAT, ASAT, ALP, and G-GT. Measures liver enzyme levels and evaluates liver function, aiding in detecting liver diseases or damage.

557 ALAT

ALAT, also known as alanine aminotransferase or ALT, is an enzyme that is primarily found in the liver. It is involved in the metabolism of amino acids - the building blocks of proteins. ALAT is measured for several reasons, including evaluating or investigating for potential liver damage due to injury or abuse of drugs or alcohol, early detection to identify liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis and monitoring effects on the liver from treatments that may damage the liver such as statins against high levels of cholesterol.


556 ASAT

ASAT, also known as aspartate aminotransferase, is an enzyme found primarily in the liver and heart. When there is damage to either of them, ASAT is released into the bloodstream. Normal levels of ASAT indicate a healthy and well-functioning liver. ASAT is therefore primarily measured to assess the extent of liver damage, no matter the underlying cause. 


558 ALP

ALP, which stands for alkaline phosphatase, is an enzyme found throughout the body and foremost in your liver and bones. ALP is involved in a number of important processes such as bone growth, digestion and liver function. Normal ALP levels suggest a balance in liver health, bone health and a properly functioning digestive function. Due to these areas of use, normal ALP levels have also together with other biomarkers been associated with a healthier and longer life. 


559 G-GT

G-GT, or gamma GT, stands for Gamma-glutamyl transferase and is an enzyme found primarily in the liver. GGT is involved in converting one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body into its metabolites. It therefore plays an essential role in maintaining cellular health. It is also playing a key role in the metabolism of alcohol and other drugs in the liver.

Group 6 Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals: Include tests for vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, ferritin, and others. Assesses nutrient levels to identify deficiencies or imbalances in the body.

531 Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is one out of eight B-vitamins in our body. It is essential for the function of several vital processes in our bodies, such as the production of red blood cells, DNA synthesis and neurological function. Normal levels of vitamin B12 indicate that your dietary intake provides sufficient building blocks necessary for your overall health.


529 Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential, fat-soluble vitamin for our bodies, playing an important role in the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus both critical for building bone. Normal levels of vitamin D indicate that you get enough of the vitamin necessary for optimal bone health and immune system.


560 Iron

Iron is a vital mineral for many important functions in the body such as oxygen transport, brain health and neurotransmitters, energy production, and muscle function. Showing normal iron levels indicate that your intake of iron is adequate as well as the regulating system controlling the absorption, suggesting that your red blood cell production as well as oxygen transportation are healthy and effective.


534 Ferritin

Ferritin is a protein that stores iron when there is excess, and releases it when the body needs it. Although it is not the only protein that binds to and stores iron, most iron is stored by and bound to ferritin. Normal levels of ferritin indicate that the amount of stored iron in the body is within normal ranges, implying normal function in the regulating processes. Maintaining normal ferritin levels together with normal iron levels facilitates an optimal oxygen distribution, increasing stamina and overall vitality.


564 Transferrin

Transferrin is a protein that plays a critical role in transporting iron in our bodies. Transferrin is produced by the liver, binds to iron in the blood and then transports the iron to various tissues and organs where iron is needed. Normal transferrin levels indicate that your iron transportation is efficient, suggesting a normal iron metabolism.


583 Iron saturation

Iron saturation is a measurement presented in percent, telling you the amount of transferrin (a protein that both binds to and transports iron) that is bound to iron in your blood compared to the total amount of transferrin that is available.Normal levels of iron saturation suggests normal levels of circulating iron in the body.


533 Folate (Vitamin B9)

Folate, or vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin. It plays an essential role in many of the processes in our bodies, including the development and growth of new cells and the synthesis and reparations of DNA. Normal levels of folate indicate that your dietary intake provides sufficient building blocks necessary for your overall health.


541 Homocysteine

Homocysteine is an amino acid associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Elevated levels can damage blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis and blood clots. Lowering homocysteine through lifestyle changes and/or vitamin supplementation may reduce cardiovascular risk through lifestyle changes and vitamin supplementation.

540 Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral found mainly in our bones (60-65%) and inside our cells (35-40%). Normal magnesium levels indicate that you have a healthy magnesium balance in your body, required for the optimal function of various biological processes such as muscle and nerve function, energy metabolism and DNA synthesis. 


Group 7 Thyroid

Thyroid: Tests include TSH, T3 and T4. Evaluates thyroid function and helps diagnose thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

563 TSH

TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, is the hormone released by the pituitary gland, regulating the levels of T3 and T4. Normal TSH levels indicate that you have a healthy thyroid gland and a balance in the regulatory system controlling the release of thyroid hormones.


544 T3

T3, or triiodothyronine, is one of the two main hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Its release is regulated by TSH. T3 is formed through the conversion of the other thyroid hormone regulated by TSH, known as T4. T3 helps the body regulate metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate, among other functions.

Normal T3 levels suggest that you have a healthy thyroid gland and a balance in the regulatory system controlling the release of thyroid hormones.

545 T4

T4, or thyroxine, is one of the two main hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Its release is regulated by TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone. Normal T4 levels indicate that you have a healthy thyroid gland and a balance in the regulatory system controlling the release of thyroid hormones.

Group 8 Prostate

Prostate: PSA test measures prostate-specific antigen levels. Helps detect prostate conditions, including prostate cancer. Free PSA and PSA ratio provide additional information for diagnosis. Note: Free PSA and PSA ratio will only be provided if PSA level is in the higher ranges of normal.

532 PSA

PSA stands for Prostate-Specific Antigen, and is a protein produced by the prostate gland. If we are prostate-healthy, only small amounts will circulate in our bloodstream. A normal PSA level (being the same as a low level), indicates that you have a healthy prostate. The indication derives from the fact that every man has a release of PSA into the bloodstream no matter thestatus of his prostate.


535 Free PSA

Free PSA is an unbound subtype of PSA, unlike much of the circulating PSA which is bound to other proteins. Free PSA is on average considered to be somewhere between 10-25% of total PSA. Normal free PSA levels indicate a lower risk of prostate cancer.


524 PSA ratio

PSA ratio is the relative relationship between free, unbound PSA and the total PSA (bound and unbound). To learn your PSA ratio, you need to measure your free PSA and your total PSA. Measuring the ratio of free PSA to total PSA provides information when screening for and managing prostate cancer. A normal to high PSA ratio might indicate a lower risk of invasive prostate cancer. 


Group 9 Hormones

Hormones: Tests measure various hormones like testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, LH, FSH, and others. Evaluates hormonal balance, reproductive health, and assists in diagnosing hormonal disorders.

529 Testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone primarily found in males that is responsible for the development of male characteristics. It affects muscle growth, bone density, libido, and energy levels. Low testosterone can cause fatigue, reduced muscle mass, and changes in mood.

528 SHBG

SHBG, or sex hormone-binding globulin, is a protein that binds to sex hormones in the blood, and the most important carrier protein for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol. Normal levels of SHBG indicate that these circulating sex hormones are in balance. Normal levels also suggest that your liver function is normal and that your thyroid hormone levels are in balance.


585 Bioactive Testosteron

Bioactive testosterone refers to the portion of testosterone that is available for use by cells and tissues. It influences muscle development, bone density, libido, and overall well-being. Measuring bioactive testosterone can provide insights into hormonal status and guide appropriate treatment, if needed.

539 Cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone produced in response to stress. It affects metabolism, immune response, and stress levels. Chronic stress can lead to imbalanced cortisol levels, impacting sleep, weight, and overall well-being. Testing cortisol levels help evaluate stress response and hormonal balance.

538 LH - Luteinizing hormone

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. LH stimulates the production of testosterone in the testes, thereby regulating the production of sperm and the development of male sexual characteristics. Normal LH levels indicate that hormonal pathways and signaling mechanisms between testosterone and LH are in balance, which is necessary for testicular function and fertility.


542 FSH - Follicle-stimulating hormone

FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, is a hormone that plays a key role in regulating the reproductive system. It helps to stimulate the production of sperm in the testicles, and is essential for the development of a high sperm count and sperm quality. A normal FSH indicates that the function and maturation of the so-called Sertoli cells in the testicles, essential for sperm production, are optimal.


565 Progesteron

Progesterone is a hormone, often associated with female reproductive health, that plays an important role in men’s health as well. It is produced in the testes and adrenal glands and is a precursor to the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen, thereby helping to regulate reproductive function, mood and even the immune system. Normal progesterone levels indicate that your testicles and adrenal glands are properly functioning.


530 Estradiol
Group 10 Inflammation

Inflammation: Assessing biomarkers such as hsCRP and sedimentation rate helps identify systemic inflammation. Aids in diagnosing and monitoring inflammatory conditions and assessing cardiovascular risk.

526 hsCRP - High-sensitivity C-reactive protein

hs-CRP stands for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and is a so-called acute phase reactant. This means that its levels rapidly increase in response to inflammation, deriving from an inflammatory process in itself, an infection or injury. Low hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein) levels indicate low levels of systemic inflammation in your body, suggesting better overall health and lower risk of developing multiple types of medical conditions and diseases.


572 SR - Sedimentation rate

SR, Sedimentation Rate or Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), is a measurement of how quickly red blood cells in a blood test fall to the bottom of a tube over the course of an hour. Normal (low) levels of SR suggests that there is little or no systemic inflammation in your body.


  • Laboratory Medical Analysis Laboratory Medical Analysis
  • Accredited by SWEDAC Accredited by SWEDAC
  • SS-EN ISO 15189 SS-EN ISO 15189
What sets Sn™900 CheckUp™ apart from other tests?

The Sn™ Checkup™, developed by a team of experts, aims to identify the most common health concerns and track your personal health status. Unlike other tests, CheckUp™ includes a broad hormonal spectrum, the most specific biomarkers for early detection of cardiovascular disease risk and an analysis that tells you what is actually going on in your body.

What happens after I order Sn™900 CheckUp™?

After ordering, you will receive an email with an activation link that you click to activate your profile. You will also have the option to fill in a health form which will allow you to receive an even more personalized analysis. Here you will also select the location for your blood test. Once the order is confirmed, you can easily go to your chosen location and have your blood samples taken.

Where can I find your locations for taking my test?

To see all clinic locations: click here

For how long is my order valid?

Your referral to take the test is valid for 3 months from the day you order your test.

Please note that after this period, the referral will no longer be open for activation and will thereby become invalid for conducting the test.

Where can I see my test results?

To view your test results, log into your Sn™ Health Dashboard here.

What is the Sn™ Health Dashboard?

The Sn™ Health Dashboard serves as your personalized dashboard, providing a comprehensive analysis of your body, its functioning, and its requirements. It offers detailed explanations and insights regarding the significance of your biomarker levels, their implications for your health, and potential actions you can take to enhance or preserve your well-being.

How long does it take to receive my test results?

You can expect to receive your test results within 4-5 days. During this time, a doctor carefully analyzes your results, and you will be able to view both your results and the doctor's comments in the Sn™ Health Dashboard.

How can I access my previous test results?

You can easily access your previous test results through the Sn™ Health Dashboard. All your past test results are saved and available for your reference.

Who has access to my results?

At Supernormal™, we prioritize the confidentiality and security of your data. Your personal information is handled with the utmost care. We have stringent measures in place to safeguard your privacy. We adhere to the same laws and regulations regarding confidentiality as primary care centers and hospitals. You also have the option to share your results with another healthcare provider by printing or saving them from your Sn™ Health Dashboard.

How do I know my results are safe and private?

Supernormal™ health dashboard ensures that your data is handled with the utmost care to maintain privacy and security. Confidentiality is prioritized, and measures are in place to protect your personal information.

Does Sn™900 CheckUp™ test for testosterone?

Because the turnover and function of testosterone itself are complex, the Sn™ 900 CheckUp™ measures five different testosterone-related markers, which taken together provide a more complete understanding of how testosterone works in your body.

Sn™p00 Performance™ test
Receive insights about your fitness level through an extensive analysis to optimize performance.
Sn™p02 Whey Protein, Double Rich Chocolate
Our chocolate-flavored protein, developed for muscle repair and growth.
Sn™p01 Creatine
Enhance your performance while gaining long-term muscle growth.
Sn™p02 Whey Protein, Natural
Our protein, developed with amino acids for muscle repair, growth and recovery.
Sn™604 Delay gel
A soft aqueous gel to naturally delay orgasm when applied before sex.
Sn™603 Stimulating gel
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Sn™602 Lubricant
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Sn™601 Condom
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Sn™302 Autofocus™
Elevate focus naturally with our groundbreaking nootropic chewing gum.
Sn™301 Brains™
Essential omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins for optimal brain function.
Sn™000 Multitasker™
Solid collection of essential vitamins and minerals created for male health.
Sn™401 Pro-Bee™
Our pollen-powered gut guardian, built around the patented H13 microbiome®.
Sn™1000 The Foundations™
Optimize brain, gut, and nutrition with our 3-in-1 foundation solution.
Sn™100 Recovery™
Support muscles and recover quickly with Sn™ Recovery™ tablet
Sn™222 Deep™
The 3 active ingredients insiders swear by for sound sleep without side effects.
Sn™3000 BioAge™
Measure your biological age easily by analyzing 9 key biomarkers.
Sn™900 CheckUp™
Our comprehensive men’s health test, measuring over 50 biomarkers.