Blood Sugar 548


What is Glucose?




Glucose is the most common type of sugar in the blood, and is the main source of energy for all cells in the body. Glucose is particularly important as an energy source for the brain and nervous system, where glucose accounts for over 80% of the total energy requirement.

Normal levels of glucose, another word for blood sugar, mean that the systems in your body that regulate and balance energy storage and access are working properly. Maintaining this function and normal levels will increase your chances of a longer and healthier life.

It is known that normal levels of blood sugar are associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Measuring and following your blood sugar levels is an important tool for early detection of diabetes, also known as prediabetes. It is believed that approximately 18% of adults between the ages of 18 and 74 in Sweden suffer from prediabetes, which means that early detection and early interventions such as increased physical activity and a more varied and healthy diet could prevent the development of diabetes in almost 1.5 million Swedes!

Measuring your blood sugar can be relevant for several reasons:

To identify prediabetes
To diagnose diabetes
To monitor the effect of diabetes medication
To follow the effect of lifestyle changes
To measure biological age with BioAge




Low Glucose




Low blood glucose, also known as hypoglycemia, means you have lower levels of circulating blood sugar than is healthy.

At first glance, some may think that it is positive to have low levels, as high levels lead to the risk of diabetes and other diseases, but the fact is that the body needs energy to live, and glucose is the body's main and most important source of energy.

If glucose levels are too low, there is a risk that the cells will not function properly. Very low levels of glucose, which are most often seen in diabetics when they are medicated with excessive doses of insulin, can cause headaches, visual disturbances, vomiting, irritability and confusion. In very rare cases, if care and medical help are not provided, hypoglycemia can become life-threatening.




High Glucose




High glucose levels in the blood, also known as hyperglycaemia, means that the body lacks sufficient insulin effect.

This imbalance in blood sugar, if it is persistent, is what is called diabetes (mellitus). Depending on the underlying cause behind the high blood sugar levels, it can be defined as different types of diabetes disease.
Elevated blood sugar levels can in practice be due to two different causes, either in combination or individually:

1. Higher levels of circulating glucose than the amount of insulin produced and released can handle
2. Reduced production, release or effect of insulin

Excess amounts of sugar for the body to handle can in turn be caused by factors such as:

- Large intake of energy-rich food
- Physical inactivity
- Stress

Decreased production or effectiveness of insulin, also known as insulin resistance, is often due to lifestyle, with obesity, physical inactivity, lack of sleep and chronic stress being common underlying causes. In addition to lifestyle factors, two common risk factors are advancing age and genetics.