Test & Diagnostics 78

Testosterone Levels in Men: Ranges, Changes, and Symptoms

4 min read

Simon Körösi

Reviewed by: Gustav Grippe

What is a normal testosterone level in men?


Normal testosterone levels in men typically range between 10-30 nmol/L. The variation in levels can be attributed to factors such as individual hormone sensitivity, where some individuals may have lower levels without necessarily having a deficiency, while others may have higher levels due to less sensitive testosterone receptors. Additionally, the majority of testosterone in the blood is bound and inactive. Individual variations further complicate interpretations. Therefore, there is no exact lower threshold, and it is not possible to say that higher is always better. However, there are some general guidelines that healthcare providers usually follow:

<8 nmol/L: Likely testosterone deficiency. Consider treatment if symptoms are present.


8-12 nmol/L: Gray area where symptoms determine if it is deficiency or normal.


12 nmol/L: Likely normal.

How does testosterone change with age?


Testosterone levels in the body decrease by approximately 1% per year in middle-aged men (40-70 years).


Should I get my testosterone levels checked?


Whether or not you should get your testosterone levels checked is a difficult question to answer. There is no general response to this question. The factors that influence the importance of testing are the same factors that increase the risk of it being testosterone deficiency. If you experience symptoms consistent with testosterone deficiency, you may need an evaluation. If you are unsure, you can contact your primary healthcare provider.


What can affect my testosterone levels?


There are several factors that can affect our testosterone levels. Some factors can be influenced by ourselves, while others cannot. Common examples of factors that can affect testosterone levels include:





Health conditions









What is the most important cause of testosterone deficiency in men?


In men, obesity is the single most important factor leading to testosterone deficiency. It outweighs age and other comorbidities.


What are the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men?


The symptoms and presentation of testosterone deficiency vary depending on the age at which it occurs.


Before puberty


If testosterone deficiency occurs before puberty, there will be a lack of pubertal development, and growth will be affected, resulting in altered body proportions known as eunuchoid proportions.


After puberty


In adult men, testosterone deficiency is likely to present with a combination of various symptoms.


Symptoms strongly associated with hypogonadism:

Lack of pubertal development


Decreased or absent sexual desire


Decreased occurrence of spontaneous erections


Breast growth (gynecomastia)


Decreased secondary hair growth and reduced need for shaving


Very small and shrinking testicles (volume < 5mL)


Impaired fertility


Decreased height and fractures with minor trauma (osteoporosis)


Decreased muscle mass and muscle strength


Hot flashes and sweating

Symptoms that may be related to hypogonadism:

Decreased energy, motivation, and initiative, increased irritability


Moodiness and depression


Impaired concentration and memory


Sleep disturbances, increased sleep needs


Mild normochromic, normocytic anemia (within the normal range for women)


Increased subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat accumulation


Reduced mental and physical work capacity